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5. p. 779 Study on University Student's Awareness of Traditional and Yaksun Foods : Focus on University Students majoring in Culinary Art and Foodservice Daegu and Gyungbuk Area
Hyun-Youngn Paek, Eun-Jungn Kwak, Hyun-Sookn Joung, Jae-Hongn Jeong, Yeon-Sookn Cho
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7. p. 806 Effect of Hot Water Extract from Curcuma longa L. on Inflammatory Mediators in Prostate Tissue of BPH-Induced Rats
Jeong Yoonn Lee, Yungjaen Kim, Woojinn Jun, Yoo-Hyunn Lee
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8. p. 813 Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Allergic Effects of Adenophora triphylla var. japonica Extract
Hwan Heen Jang, Mi Jun Kim, Su Yeonn Cho, Jung Bongn Kim, Sung Hyeonn Lee, Young Minn Lee
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9. p. 822 Studies on Quality Characteristics and Biological Activities of Macaroons supplemented with GABA(γ-Aminobutyric Acid) Rice Powder and Xylose
Soo-Youngn Choi, Soo-Yeonn Lim, Woo-Seokn Jung, Kyung-Min Yoo, In-Kyeongn Hwang
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12. p. 850 Quality Characteristics of Mannaji (Boiled Beef Down in Korean Soy Sauce) by Cooking Method during Storage Period
Ji-Nan Kim, Young Heen Park, Youngn Kim, Jin-Youngn Lee, Gwi Jungn Han
DOI: |
13. p. 860 Effect of Sterilization Conditions on Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Three Korean Fried Rice Sauces
Hyesungn Hwang, Sujinn Lim, Kwangsunn Shin, Jaeyoonn Han, Sangbongn Lee, Youngjaen Shin
DOI: |
14. p. 867 Comparison of Proximate Components, Free Sugar, Vitamin C and Minerals of 16 Kinds of Honey produced in Korea with Manuka Honey
Weon-Kin Paik, Ae-Kyungn Kwak, Myeong-Lyeoln Lee, Yong-Soon Choi, Hye-Kyungn Kim, Kyungsukn Choi
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15. p. 880 Physicochemical Composition and Antioxidant Activities of Korean Dioscorea Species
Kyung-Min Kim, Moon-Kyungn Kang, Jin-Sookn Kim, Gi-Changn Kim, Song-Yin Choi
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16. p. 887 Physiochemical Characteristics of Raw and Dried Jerusalem Artichoke Jangachi
Kyoung Kyun Kang, Songyin Choi, Jin Sookn Kim, Gi Changn Kim, Kyung Min Kim
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17. p. 893 Effects of Various Thawing Conditions on Quality Characteristics of Frozen Garlic
Jong Woon Park, Jinsen Kim, Seok Hon Park, Dong Soon Choi, Seung Ryuln Choi, Yong Hoonn Kim, Soo Jangn Lee, Hayunn Kim
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